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The Electronic Eric Melee Combat Manual
Shield Wall 101

Rules to help you live by in a shieldwall

1) Remember the basics - lead off with your LEFT foot. Fondly recall your marching band or basic training.

2) All Commands are to be repeated loudly. We are wearing a helm with padding and the baffles get load. If the shieldwall can not hear the commands it will fall apart.

3) Keep the shieldwall interlocked and tight or expect to have visitors in the rear ranks.

4) Die defensively - that is under your shield in a fetal position. Expect to be kicked and stepped on. Pennsic is NOT the place to lighten your armor.

5) Remember it is the shieldwall that allows the Poles/Spears do the killing A good Spear/Pole will thank the shieldmen who keeps him alive.

6) Drink lots of water before, during, and after the battles. Heat injuries can put down even the best fighter.

7) Have Fun!! if you can 't enjoy yourself, why travel all that way and spend all that money.

8) Learn as much as you can about your mission. If you do not know, ask. The more you know the more effective you will be. Know your chain of command.

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